We hope February has treated you well; thank you as always for your continued support for Confirmed comedy club booking software! Here’s a roundup of what we’ve added in the past month…
You can now attach images or documents of a reasonable size to your messages, as well as reuse previously sent messages as templates. Save time by using tried and tested message formats, and add detail or flair to your messages with your choice of attachment!
To make things clearer at a glance, we have assigned a new icon to undecided spots. When you extend an offer for several shows, the acts can accept/reject the spots as well as leave some spots unanswered to come back later. Now the undecided spots have a different status icon: like a paper plane + a clock. Now on a quick look you can clearly see who is still making their mind up!
Emails sent from February 4th onward will now automatically have their sending logs available from your dashboard. To see email logs, go to Additional Settings → Email Delivery Logs
We hope that this will help when an act says they haven't received a specific offer / message, so that you can go and check the delivery in the dashboard, without having to reach out.
Most of the emails are delivered within seconds, but on rare occasions it can take longer than that. If after 10 or so minutes of sending out the offer/contacting show participants, a delivery receipt has not shown up in the logs, contact us to track it down.
Previously, if you re-issued an offer for the same spot, the previous offer would stop working, meaning the act was expected to follow the link in the most recent email, as the old one would no longer work.
Now spot offers don't expire on re-issuing, and acts will be able to still accept the specific spots from any valid offer link— be it the most recent one, or one that you sent out earlier.
Additionally, if you've changed the spot since you sent out the offer (e.g. adjusted the fee or changed the spot length), the offer contains a subtle notification that acts can expand to see what exactly has changed— this applies only to changes after you've sent out the offer.
As always, we’re here if you need us for anything. And don’t forget that every time you introduce a new customer to us, you both get a month of use free!
—The Confirmed Team